DeFiner redistributes all profits collected on the platform back to FIN token holders, including transaction fees and interest collected. Collected profits will be distributed proportionally according to your FIN holding ratio. The more FIN you own,the more profits you earn.
By contributing lending capital and collateral on the network, lenders and borrowers are entitled to a portion of the newly mined FIN. The duration and value of those assets staked will be used to calculate how much FIN the lender or borrower will receive proportionally. The number of newly mined FIN follows a predefined deflationary curve.
Decentralized governance is an important aspect of the DeFiner ecosystem. The FIN token is also designed to represent voting rights for holders. This keeps the platform secure, evolving, and allows users to decide on the trajectory of the platform. Each FIN token entitles you to one voting right.So owning more FIN gives more votes.
Finconomy is a FIN token holders economy to achieve full decentralization and autonomy of the DeFiner Protocol.
Finconomy helps catalyze decentralization of the protocol by aligning goals and incentives with the DeFiner community by recognizing, rewarding, and further incentivizing the community with initiatives that help strengthen our mission of further decentralization and community governance.
There are many ways to interact in the FINconomy, including earning high interest rates by depositing FIN into our Savings Market, borrowing stablecoins using your FIN as collateral, and getting over 400% for becoming a FIN Liquidity Provider.
Savings Market
Savings Market
Deposit FIN to earn high interest rates.
Loan Market
Need a loan?
Borrow stablecoins or other crypto assets against your FIN at low interest. Want to do Yield Farming to earn high interest? Borrow them against your FIN easily.
Earn Passive Income & Share Revenue
Earn Passive Income & Share Revenue Become a Liquidity Provider and earn over 400% interest and join DeFiner LP Club to gain platform revenue.
Token Symbol:
FIN (ERC-20)
Token Supply:
168,000,000 FIN
POP Mining (50.00%)
FIN-LP Staking (25.00%)
Foundation Operations (6.25%)
Team and Equity Investors (5.00%)
Safety Fund (4.75%)
Marketing / Community (4.00%)
Ecosystem Partners (3.00%)
Privae Sale (2.00%)